New thing I'm going to put on my resume and website when people want to know about my reputation in the industry: I am highly sought-after by hundreds of recruiters from India. I get at least three calls per day from someone there. ;)

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    Well, I'd say that only encourages your chances of being extremely lowballed.

    Unless you are Indian, and effectively leagues above the rest, in which case, silicon valley is your stop.
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    i too get multiple calls from recruiters every day. It's not as much of a flex as you may think.
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    @SidTheITGuy that’s not the point they were making
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    @SidTheITGuy I was being sarcastic. I know it’s not a flex. Just seems funny to be in such demand by recruiters of so little value to me. One yesterday offered me a full time Digital Something job at John Deere for $28/hr and no benefits. She hung up when I told her I regularly bill $120/hr.
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