
I'm starting my own business, I don't know where my future will go, and what I will achieve. I'm confused

please give me advice if you can

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    As long as you are a self motivated and not an easy giving up person, you did the right thing. Have faith in your self...
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    Boy that escalated quickly...
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    That's great. Check out Google Primer (app) will give you some sound advice.
    And above all don't lose hope.
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    Good luck! It won't be easy, and you want to give up. But if you want to succeed you have to be hard on yourself (but also remember to keep doing what you love)
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    @GodHatesMe Yea, that nullified the scary advice you gave before. 😁
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    Thank to everyone, I will do my best
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    I run my own business, what’s some of your questions?
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    @GodHatesMe I’m an extreme introvert, but my xanax help pick up what social skills I still lack. Work in progress, always.
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    @GodHatesMe ...dad, is that you?
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    @GodHatesMe that's more like it
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    @GodHatesMe ahhhh, and proof I’m an introvert lol... devRant is literally the only place I willingly open my notifications.

    What’s odd is I’ve got extreme OCD when it comes to certain things; notification bubbles happen to be one of them. For some reason I’ve been so stressed out lately that they’ve slid through my internal filter.
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