
do you believe this?

  • 5
    u can replace mac with tesla
  • 2
    @csessh Doesnt African IT professionals explain enough? :-)
  • 3
    I do.
  • 3
    Sometimes, linux is far easier to configure than macOS because it doesn't have SIP 😡 (although you can disable that, it still does get in the way when you need free rein on your machine).
  • 1
    @csessh Look at the right side of the image. Besides, their economy is a different ball game, most of them "have" to use linux.
  • 1
    I would switch the Linux and Windows steering wheels, but only as long it was understood that half of the buttons for Windows don't do anything.
  • 0
    @not-dan What do you mean with that? Which buttons in Windows doesn't do anything?
  • 0
    @YoungWebRebelz you can do a lot of great things for the look and feel of Linux. I'd rather use Linux over Mac any day.
  • 2
    I use a Mac at work and Linux at home. I am 10x more productive on Linux.
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