
The reason why i abandoned web3 development. Any genuine software i try to build or learn im automatically disrespected and perceived as a scammer. Morale in web3 right now is at an all time low

  • 4
    I thought you said you had no morals, what happened now? Other people's opinions matter to you? What is it, the S-O-C-I-E-T-Y that you care about that will carry an image for you?
  • 13
    almost right...

    scammers CREATED the marketing hype know as "web3".

    it never was anything else.
  • 0
    @tosensei you need thousands and millions of dollars for marketing and web3 is all about money so of course the richest will do anything in their power to leverage money to overhype bullshit because this is a game where only the rich can get richer
  • 4
    Stop scamming people then.
  • 3
    Web 2.0 wasn't real either.

    These aren't tech terms - they're invented by marketers so that companies can pretend they're hip and modern. Web 2.0 kinda worked, in that enough people bought into the term for it to become vaguely familiar. Web 3.0 crashed and burned as a term, fortunately.
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