Go fmt yourself? I guess. Taken from Golang's documentation on encoding/json.

  • 0
    Tried golang once, couldn't manage the staggering amount of BS just for the pleasure of having simple async with the "go" keyword.

    This language really needs 2.0.
  • 2
    LOL, this made laugh real hard.
  • 0
    @GittinGudder what bullshit? It's literally 2 characters.
  • 0
    @awmuar yes it is. But try to access the last element of a slice or remove a number from it, and you'll soon realize how stupid of a language it is.

    Everything from the ungooglable name through unprofessionally looking mascot to how it mimics oob languages but actually isn't one is shit.

    I tried it for a month. Was doing a train simulator in it. The type system stepped on my nerves every time I tried to do something more complex than fmt.Println().

    The only two things done right in golang are: the 'go' keyword, and the gotour tutorial.
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