
I joined a corporate.

I shouldn't have.

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    it's not for everyone. Although it has its own charm.

    once I get used to everything being scheduled and planned to some date in the future (i.e. slowness) I find it quite easy to work in corp :)
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    @netikras it is my first week in a company this big. I haven't coded a single line, because of missing credentials. I couldn't even pull the repos yet.
    Which still would be fine, but the mandatory circle jerking trainings about our own solutions with the anger inducing assesments make me reconsider my decision.
    There are questions like "How many sentences are in the elevator statement?" (of the software solution)
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    @netikras but I'm still hopeful about the project as it seems like an interesting one.
    To be honest one week is not enough to see the true face of the company.
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    Yeah. one week is very little time.

    I was convinced I needed to get out of my current place (also my first time at a big company) asap for a whole year.

    Now that I'm more used to the mentality, it has become a somewhat acceptable trade off for the money I'm getting. Still want out. But can sell out for a little longer.
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    @iceb I also have a 3 month probation period (required by law here), so I feel like I have the time to learn about the company and easily exit, if needed.
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    In corp it's impossible to get all accesses in 1 week. Aim for 1-1.5 months to get all of them. Some sooner, some maybe later.

    Enjoy the free paid time :)

    to any queries "did you <x>" don't hesitate to reply with "don't have access yet"
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    Corpos are hell.

    It’s a slow, meticulously planned dance competition with endless ceremony where everyone still steps on each other’s feet, the music sucks, the dancers are terrible, and the dance steps don’t fit the tempo or style.

    Also, good dancing isn’t rewarded. Good schmoozing is.
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    > to any queries "did you <x>" don't hesitate to reply with "don't have access yet"

    this x1000 times 🤣
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    @Root lovely description
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    @Lasoloz There’s also no alcohol allowed, but the organizers and judges are clearly on drugs.
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