
her: * watching me 👀 *
guy 1: "what else do you do asides coding..?
her: * scoffs *
me: "lol, I do other things"
guy 2: * laughs hysterically 😂😂 *
me: "whattt..?? I do video editing and I write as well 🫤"
her: * 🙄 *

What's it with you guyssss??? 😂😫🤲🏻...I have other interests asides coding; you just have to be close to me to find out. I even make music and play the piano 🌝.....
Y'all dream a lot and you know it's your dreams I code 😪 {if you can dream it 💡, I can code it 💻

  • 7
    I'm getting very nervous looking at that USB cable hanging down plugged into the smart phone.

    *time to get the paddles, you deserve a spanking*

    Oh Lord. The rest of the cable management... I think I better get the car battery and the jumper cables.
  • 6
    Stay away from her if she's going to judge you for your interests being too much in the same boat.
  • 4
    @AlmondSauce I wanted to ask her out but not anymore...
    Can't work
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM I thought the phone cable and the headphone cable were normal, but all the other ones get under his wrists so they would be very annoying.
  • 0
    Wait, are the phone and headphone cables looping off the table before going to the laptop, and then there's just one extra cable, hopefully not the laptop charger?
  • 0
    @electrineer one cable for the phone, one for the headset connected to the phone, the other cables are connected to other accessories not on the table...

    The laptop charger, display cord and screen power cord are behind
  • 2
    @dominicOT @electrineer

    To explain... never let cables entwine, never let cables hang down from a table in the front. Especially not when a device is connected and "mixed" in the loop.

    The moment one device falls down, you have a wonderful mess and probably broken down shit.

    Plus a *lot* of cheap cables aren't properly insulated / shielded. You can get a lot of wonky sporadic unexplainable behaviour that makes no sense at all due to that. Especially true for USB... even more when you have cheap / fucked up chargers / hubs / ... from AliXpress / Amazon / ... .

    Crosstalk and other problems still exist.

    The really easiest way to avoid the mingle jingle is to just screw a hub to the *middle side* of the table. Not the front or the back - the side, best under the table.

    That way you can hide a lot of the cables, those that you need can be nicely laying on the table secured by a cable canal. The cable canal prevents the cables from falling down, too.

    Like this:

    -- H C
    -- H C

    The hubs (H) ports best face inwards (hyphens) so when the table gets moved accidentally you don't break the connectors. Just a small loop after a cm of a cable, then through the cable management (C) and the cables lie nicely on the table... without getting entwined, without chance of accidentally ripping them down.

    Plus when the hub is under the table, it's nicely shielded from other stuff on the table like audio speakers / monitors / ...
  • 2
    Ok. Yeah. I have a fetish. :(
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM thanks 😂😂😂
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