I fucking hate all these JavaScript frameworks. You try to learn one and then there is another one that's rising up. While you wonder why a framework exists and what's the best use case there is a fresh off college grad who built a fucking app on it. How the fuck is it even possible? Did you study the framework? Did you understand how it works? Or did you just put together a bunch of tutorials and built the app. I feel people just want to churn apps out without bothering about understanding the framework. Ask them about design patterns... They know nothing about it. Ask them vanilla JavaScript questions.... They fumble easily. Ask them OOPs..... They look dumbfounded. WTF!!!

Or maybe I am just getting old. It's possible.

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    Lol. There was one guy who was asking me "how do i style a class in CSS". One year later he was writing articles on LinkedIn about why choosing a framework and not another one.

    It is a madness with frameworks at the moment. Some years ago it was the same situation but with languages: typescript, coffeescript, haxe, dart, go lang and so on.

    This is why i don't quite go to conferences and stuff like that. That's the starting point of a new framework. "Look how my beautiful frameworks does exactly the same thing as the other 321413421312 available frameworks! But mine is better because I wrote it!"

    Usually I never ask framework questions during interviews. I want my guys to be DEVS, not framework users. This depends on the project I recruit people for tho, but I never pass someone who knows a framework but has issues with JS concepts.
  • 1
    @ClemFrieckie vanilla js is far from constant.
  • 3
    This situation isn't bothering me as much as it should?

    I agree with you nothing should substitute a solid foundation in analysis and design, but as far as the number of frameworks being produced, I get excited by the various approaches towards solving the complex issue of programming applications.

    No longer are we constrained the to a single methodology, we have a choice to choose the best fit for the problem.
  • 0
    Personally, I share this guy's opinion:

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    What's the problem? Do you really need to learn all of them? Why are you complaining that your industry is fruitful and there are passionate developers working to make your life easier?

    And why are you mad with the recent grad trying their luck at building an app with a framework? It's called learning for fuck's sake.
  • 2
    @brainlessdev It's called rant for a reason. You know it is correct but you feel irritated. That's a rant. So for fuck's sake stop taking life too seriously and be stupid.
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    @brainzeat I can rantity rant too
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    @brainlessdev LMAO. Fair enough.
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    Isn’t it a good thing that people can build shit without having to understand it fully and not needing 5 years of coding experience? It’s making programming available for more people and I think it’s great.

    I mean sure they might not know what they’re doing but if they can build something with value it’s a good thing. I don’t see any problem.
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