
Laying in bed at 1 AM unable to sleep so of course my brain is going wild and trying to convince me that learning Assembly and C to make my own bootloader and OS would be a good idea... Could be fun, think it's worth the shots and giggles?

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    @Torbuntu seems like a plan, I've toyed out using C# to build an OS but never done it from the ground up
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    Sounds pretty cool!
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    Did a little looking and seems like there are plenty of tutorials for basics of OS development, should be able to get me started (I have absolutely no experience with C or assembly) so let the fun begin!

    Well maybe after work -,-
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    Get me in the plan, I'm thinking the same. Except the fact that I don't have any knowledge and experience of C++ and Assembly.
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    Could be fun. I’ve taken a systems course though and it was hell just implementing components of the OS.

    Of course we used Pintos, which was designed to blow up in your face.
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