Hey everyone! Em, I just created this website:
It's the first bigger one I've ever created, and I'd really like your feedback. I tried really hard, I hope you like it :D

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    The bottom of the page feels so relaxing after the eyes getting so strained by the black on fade colors imo and its not mobile optimized
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    Just noticed and thought to give you mad respect for owning such a domain, but why is it not mobile optimized if coffeecup apparently gives you clicky tools to get "custom breakpoints" and allows you to "Create custom responsive sites.
    Without coding."?
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    just chilling. Would also like to know as this guy above me asked.

    And site looks good, better than mine. Which I think is a blank page or is that a blank server don't know don't care.
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    The third sentence in your about me section begins with a conjunction. Besides that I thought it was good.
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    15 yo? Good job - apart from that - I feel like it's not.. mobile optimised? I also thought materialize or backbone does that for you (and I'm not good at it either xD).
    But everything looks smooth and readable, not too much or too less text. Keep it up!
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    I think it looks great man! Really impressive! Keep going at it :)
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    Looks pretty cool! Did you take the gradients from Firefox focus? :D
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    My 2 cents feedback.
    -The opening screen color is different but good. The opening screen is an anti-pattern with no contents for the user, but I still liked it, maybe because of the color you chose.
    - needs to be responsive(mobile-friendly), frameworks like bootstrap can make your life easier.
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    @BambuSource Thanks! I now see the mobile optimization problem. I thought that it would appear on phones the same as when I shrink the width of my browser. Was wrong there. But I'll work on that, thanks for noticing :)
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    @404response No, in last design I used gradients from uigradients.com, but for newer one I have gradient only at the beginning and I took it from some CodePen "Section width" pen
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    @San-python-king Yeah, it was my mistake. I thought the site would appear on mobile the same way as when you shrink your browser width. Was wrong there. I'll fix it :)
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    @JoshBent I changed the colors to more neutral ones, and I made it mobile-optimized. Can I get your feedback again, please? :)
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    @marjanovicsteva props on making it mobile responsive, but the black color on faded background still really hurts my eyes, what do you think about something more like this: https://i.imgur.com/GEkPSNn.png
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    Heres a preview
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    @marjanovicsteva you actually can test mobile responsive design by just resizing the browser window - but I tested your design both by doing that and on mobile back then when I commented, so it was simply not responsive when you showed us.
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    @JoshBent You mean to make header slightly transparent?
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    @marjanovicsteva I changed more than that, changed both gradient colorpoints on both containers, removed the black color on gradient and yes made the top header slightly transparent - its fine like that, but could be also either a solid color or when you scroll down then turn full solid color (fallback for no-js via just plain solid color)
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    @JoshBent Would you share that css with me, please? :D
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    @marjanovicsteva had to do it again because I closed it already and in the process applied some more things: https://pastebin.com/4UfBQ3Ct
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    @JoshBent Thanks for this so much :D Just, how did you make header semi-transparent? :/
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    @marjanovicsteva https://pastebin.com/3G81NUQf updated to have the half transparent navbar, although "navbar-fixed" sounds like materialize should also have a position absolute navbar anyway with just another classname, so my solution is a quick dirty hack and you should look if it does.
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    @JoshBent Thank you so much, honestly :)
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    @marjanovicsteva Youre welcome 😄
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    @marjanovicsteva Now just fix the preview in the bottom section, since it still shows the old design :)
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    @JoshBent Sorry, what preview? :/
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    @marjanovicsteva scroll down to "portfolio" look at the website preview thumbnail of your webpage
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    @JoshBent ooooh, right. Yeah, I'll do it rn :) Thanks for noticing
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    @marjanovicsteva just noticed while checking back if you changed the preview image yet; good job centering the bottom row of buttons and nice that you added "made with coffe and love using *"
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    @JoshBent I didn't change yet, been working on another project. I have some more little details to add and I'll probably do it in days to come. I also like them centered, but they look weird on mobile centered, so I decided to add @media and make them again align left when the screen is smaller. Andddd, made with coffee and love was there from the beginning haha. While we're at it, how do you like name stevit.com? My name is Stevan and I'm into IT so I kinda combined those. Do you think it's good enough? Also, sorry to bother you, but what web host would you recommend?
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    "I have some more little details to add and I'll probably do it in days to come."

    You could @ me whenever you do, I'll check it out.

    "Andddd, made with coffee and love was there from the beginning haha."

    I thought it was saying only "made with X" at the start and then later you added the made with coffe and love, but I guess my memory tricked me.

    "While we're at it, how do you like name stevit.com?"

    Seems creative -and- is available, so you should get it - the only thing to mention is that it means "sterilized" in bulgarian apparently, so if you don't care just register it. Since you also asked for web hosting later, I'll mention "namecheap" for the domain.

    "Also, sorry to bother you, but what web host would you recommend?"

    You seem responsive to constructive criticism so I like helping you, don't worry. Hosting I would go with surge.sh - it takes a bit of console work (on windows installing WSL, setting up node, ..) to set it up, but ...
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    @marjanovicsteva ...once you get the hang of it it's really just 3 seconds to publish your html to their platform. If you don't know or are overrun by that - I wrote a tutorial for a friend like 3 weeks ago, I could ask him if he still has it and give it to you.
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    Thanks, I will.

    About domain name. Do you think that a problem? I didn't expect it to mean anything.. Should I explain name on the page?

    About hosting. I don't use Windows, I'm on ChromeBook, so online solutions would be kinda better :)
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    @marjanovicsteva Chromebook - a bypassed chromebook or default? by "bypassed" I mean are you running some sort of linux or atleast a terminal on it? since that would be even easier to do with surge then.

    By online solutions - what do you mean exactly? Some service that offers you FTP space to put your files on? And whats your requirements for that, since most solutions are either limited or overpriced for most cases.
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    @marjanovicsteva Some services that come to mind:

    - https://www.cloudways.com/en/
    - https://getforge.com/

    no recommendation from me though, just services I remembered with the keywords "online" and "managed", since surge is usually the way to go for static websites and anything beyond that I just run a container on one of my nodes or a server on digitalocean, scaleways etc.
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    @marjanovicsteva To explain surge a bit; you upload your html files and structure via the terminal to them (very rough put) - but if you have access to the terminal, the above mentioned tutorial of mine could help you as well to just follow through, since I wrote it down as step-by-step and a non-techie actually made it work with it.
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    @JoshBent Nope, pure ChromeOS. I'm actually thinking to do it on GitHub? GitHub Pages seems exactly what I need, for now. It's already HTTPS, so I don't need to worry about that and I can use functions like geolocation etc. It's also faster to type 3 lines of code to commit new changes then to copy whole files and replace them on CoffeeCup's built-in code editor
    About terminal. I use one provided by Cloud9 for development purposes
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    @marjanovicsteva sure, didn't remember github pages myself.
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    @JoshBent I'm pretty sure I'll stay there, I'm just wondering, when I buy my domain and bind it with Pages, does HTTPS remain? Cause current site on CoffeeCup doesn't have that and I have to manually add that on my app in order to work..
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    @marjanovicsteva I don't think so, but you can always go the cloudflare > your site (in your example it would be github pages) way. Quickly googling seems to also bring up: https://help.github.com/articles/... which could come in handy for the custom domain.
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    @JoshBent Yeah, I read that. Has useful information. I dig up on that topic a bit more rn :)
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