
I really hate terrible lecturers. A lecturer that cannot hold a class does not make a good lecture, even if the material is boring. Often I find myself drifting off into my thoughts and potential ideas.


Do you guys have similar issues or had when you were a student?

  • 3
    I have really terrible focus. Even if the material is really interesting, I just can't focus for more than 15 to 20 minutes before I catch myself out in my own thoughts.

    Definitely relate. When the material is shit, I often feel it'd be more productive for me to not show up to class.
  • 3
    I fell asleep in so many lectures for one of my maths modules that it became a running joke

    It was a boring topic, the lecturer's voice was monotone, and the room was always kinda warm - I stood no chance haha
  • 2
    My astronomy class was like that, @Ezard. Daily (boring) PowerPoints with the lights off, and the teacher had a bland, monotonous voice.

    The chairs were so comfy, too...
  • 2
    I used to bring some nice physics articles to my networks lecture to stay awake .. had some good reads on relativity
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