!dev but related

I was reading an article about the failed release of szechuan sauce at McDonald's (a good read if you like stories that make fun of entitled nerds) and I read the quote "pop culture spent so much time depicting smart people as assholes that now people act like assholes to look smart".

And I'm like sure okay but what if you're a smart asshole? Are people going to assume that you're an idiot? Because I'll be damned if I become a better person just to not be associated with plebs that go to McDonald's because a (fucking awesome) cartoon told them to.

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    Link to article? sounds a bit like the onion.
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    @JoshBent nah i think it was a salon article. It was am entertaining thoughtpiece but nothing that hasn't been said before. Basically it talks about how the people who screamed at Mickey D's workers when they ran out of sauce are the entitled fans that don't get the show and Dan Harmon hates them. Also some pretty honest praise for McDonald's.
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