
The purpose of AWS free tier is to trick people into attempting to stay within its completely unmarked limits. It's like trying to hunt for mushrrooms in a forest split with a hostile country based on a verbal definition of where the border lies with border control waiting to ambush tourists for ransom money.

  • 1
    Lmao got scammed
  • 2
    @K-ASS I didn't, I realized how toxic this is about a year ago after about two months and 10$ in EC2 fees and switched to Linode which isn't free but it's fairly cheap and the pricing is crystal clear for small orders.
  • 3
    @lorentz oh I was saying I got scammed
  • 2
    AWS free tier is basically a t2-micro running 24/7 plus some other basic services like sqs and such that might be harder to configure locally further than a XAMP stack.
  • 1
    @rantydev0600 There are multiple ways to make money off of having the largest and most popular cloud technology in the world Not all of them involve luring people who don't expect to pay (and therefore might not be able to) into an obstacle course where when they eventually inevitably fail it can be presented as their fault.
  • 0
    Most Blogs on the internet can happy run under those resource limits, IF somebody forgo the use of wordpress and just use static pages.

    But we have to have giant webfarms to serve essentielle simple static webpages.
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