What was the longest project you worked on and why?

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    @Torbuntu How much time did you put into it so far?
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    A neverending story of technical decisions and customer requirements on one of my first projects. Overcomplicated architecture, multiple developers, some horrible decisions like leaving all catch blocks empty and not handling errors at all. I finished it but customer still doesn't want us anymore.
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    When I joined the company I work for I spent about 2 years developing a programming language called Xill which is geared towards content scripting and migrations.

    After that I started working on their latest product (about half a year now) which is a web api that unifies many different content repositories. (Like dropbox, documentum, Google drive, share point, onedrive, etc...)
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    The longest project I work on is my parking app. I started it in 2014 and currently we're two people maintaining the infrastructure.
    We're also gathering live data and have estimated 40 million points of data on our database.
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    I inherited a C# program 2 years ago, it has no inheritance, databinding, all the evils of shitty coding and my boss says "we need it ready in 3 months" every 3 months.
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