Fuuuuu I tried sideloading the devrant app on my Android watch but it kept crashing so I did a logcat over ADB and saw they use function that don't work on watches. So Damm sad I wanted to watch some rants way more sneaky

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    whats that method
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    "AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.hexicallabs.devrant/com.hexicallabs.devrant.DevrantActivity}: android.util.AndroidRuntimeException: You cannot use indeterminate progress on a watch."
  • 0
    @dfox where can I request a Android Wear app again
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    @inpothet please add to our GitHub issue tracker!
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    @dfox will put the request in later ty, btw this isn't real bug this is just normal app not being Compatable with wear
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