
I am a little bit old fadhioned when it comes to new dev tech stuff. I am at first, not an early adopter ( others should proof it first) and second I like to read books. If there is someone who has understood the matter and has written a book, then I go for it 😁 and third, when I have to use an early technology then the simplest thing is to read the doc to get a grasp what this is all about. Youtube as others describes is lame, because if you are forced to watch 40min when you are just interested in one small thing, you will loose a lot of time finding the relevant piece of content..

Positive on reading is, that you have to think for yourself!

  • 2
    This, i never got the Learn by YouTube thing.
    Why waste quality time when all you want is that 20 seconds in the middle when the docs don’t go into enough depth for a particular thing.
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