
before programming class:
"yes easy af, imma finish this in a few minutes"

during programming class:
*types everything in 10 mins*
*compiles and runs perfectly*
"wtf this isnt supposed to happen"
*spends 30 minutes trying to find the bug*
"fucking hell, it should fucking work by now"

end of programming class:
"oh i put int instead of float, good job, my time was wasted because of one fucking word"

  • 23
    Just to make myself feel worse -- to really go above and beyond -- I often divide the time it took to fix a bug by the number of characters.

    > "Fucking really? 33.3 minutes a character? Goddamn."
  • 14
    @itsnameless I just had the same problem. Spent a solid 15 minutes to find "stylsheet"
  • 2
    @itsnameless no spell checker??
  • 4
    Always have someone look over your code ;)
  • 21
    height and heigth.

  • 2
    Window name 'Trackbar' and 'trackbar'. Drove me over the edge that one time.
  • 2
    Yesterday I spent 2 hours trying to get my data shown in dropdown list.
    Used the wrong name for the attribute...
  • 5
    And that's, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love (programming) and ("designing" in CSS)!

    *PS: That double "is" is my intention. I didn't do that by mistake. Just to signalize my "one-sided" love to programming.

    *I better should just shut up. I am talking like if I would write something philosophical wtf :)
  • 4
    I usually choose with other people so that obvious mistakes don't make it through. Fresh eyes spot these a lot easier
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