
How's the culture detoriating in different companies? I'm looking for a switch and trying to figure out which companies should I go to.

I can speak for Atlassian, it's going down the shit hole.

  • 2
    Creative people and engineers build good cultures, then the MBAs come in and it all goes to shit. It’s fine though, because at the end we manage to create value for the shareholders.
  • 0
    Humans are shitty, dont assume any of them to be good
  • 0
    Is there possibility this is cyclical in nature? People trying to find balance between leasure and business to find wellbeing for the company in financial and people sense.

    I've found myself at times in workplaces that feel toxic and not employee friendly, so some leave and some stay. I'd like to hear from the people that stay, does it get better by time?
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