
Im implementing kafka with little to no theory understanding. Now that i have finally managed to implement it Perfrctly, even started kafka, zookeeper and kafka-ui through docker compose and it works perfectly in the backend app, i can finally now see the power this technology withholds, and now i have even more understanding of how it (approximately) works, and Now I'm more willing to learn the theory to understand it under the hood.

Does someone else find it much easier to fuck around and find out when learning something new before being overbloated with boring dry theory?

I fucking hate theory. Any kind of theory. Its boring as shit. But now that i have gone through practical implementation of this and can understand how powerful backend i can build with it, Now I'd have no problems learning theory

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    I definitely find that fucking around with something in practise until I get it to work tends to work better for understanding unknown concepts than to just read the theory for it.
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    it's more nuanced than that.
    i like to have a good overview of what's involved. then do things. Then find out more. aka One day I discovered I'm one of those people that read manuals
  • 1
    Zoomers be like:
  • 2
    You will love nifi

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    That’s the way I prefer to learn stuff as well, one of the drawbacks is that sometimes I miss some basic or obvious stuff when using something new that would help tremendously if I knew early on. So I’m always trying to get a little bit of the basics, I’m telling myself that at least… Been fighting with a library that’s new to me recently, and to my defence the documentation sucks, so wouldn’t help reading that anyways.
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    Read about it, fuck around with it. Read a little more. Try a project. Read a little more. Get hired to do it in a production. Read a little more...

    Etc etc etc.
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    So let me get this right, you dont know much about kafka, didnt bother to read about it much and you think you implemented it "perfectly" in under 24hrs of starting. Seems like you are sitting on an active volcano, you just don't know it yet.
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    @coldfire ofc its perfect but it's just a basic producer/consumer example that emits/receives a string and a dto class. And it works. Enough to start off and learn it deeper. Im yet to fuck around find out about partitions and brokers
  • 1
    @NeatNerdPrime NiFi is the best thing to ever come out of the NSA.
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