
!dev. NMBS is Belgian rail service
Fucking NMBS you arseholes! Put a cactus in your arse and a pinecone in you urethra and go sit in lotus position with me in your neck!! The fucking train of 0920 still has to leave, it'd 1250 now! My train has been cancelled, everything else has at least 30 minutes delay. They announce over the speakers that a train will come in 3 minutes to the next station. Train fucking rushes by like a fucking drugged roadrunner with TNT on its burning tail! You had better payed back my ticket or I'll smash jn that fancy window at your ticket office and choke you until you carry me home fucking arseholes.

  • 2
    You had it easy, the romanian railways have more delays a day than you have for an entire month. Try having a 10 hour delay or more. Or how about making 600 km in 16 hours or more. 😂😂😂
  • 2
    @DeusExRant are those 10 h delays for daily commute trains? Most people take the NMBS to go to work/school, and 10 hrs would be enough to all the way from start to end and back on most lines. A 10hr delay would be like a plane arriving a week late.
  • 2
    Am not sure on the situation with the commuter trains, if its a short distance, them maybe they are on time.
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