Here I am just tryna browse a site and this stupid attempt to trick me into falling for a scam pops up. There is no way to stop the pop up because I can’t tap anything fast enough. Not even restarting the browser because it remembers this as the last URL it had accessed. Looks like I have to uninstall and reinstall chrome. Honestly, if you’re a scammer, what the hell is the point of doing this? What idiot is going to call the number? All it does is annoy you to the point of suspicion. Or maybe there are people stupid enough!?

  • 3
    The sad thing is that many people would call the number
  • 3
    I'm not a front end dude but daaammmnnn, that hurts
  • 1
    Ccleaner. Oh sorry, it's ios. Delete the browser cache however that's done.
  • 1
    Sadly there are many people that fall for such scams.

    Mostly old people that aren't too knowledgable about modern technology.
  • 1
    I still don't understand why there is a fillable box beneath it 😅 ...
  • 1
    I love it how the guy randomly threw VPN in there. Yay tech talk.
  • 0
    at least on android i will always open links in new tabs, that way I am able to close the last visites tab. but on IOS I would be screwed as well..
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