*my first day on the job to work on a website used by dozens of companies worldwide and 1000s of users*

me: So where can I find the git repository?
dev: Git?
me: Uh... what kind of source control do you use?
dev: We don't use anything fancy like that.
me: *freaking out a little, I already committed to this job*
me: So then where do you edit your code and how do you back it up?
dev: Oh, I just edit it on FTP and zip all the code every week.

  • 4
    That's scary 😧
  • 9
    Run. Run quickly!
  • 21
    Or, set up a git repo and show them what they're missing!
  • 1
  • 17
    This is your opportunity to become a company legend by putting all the code somewhere safe. Because it is guaranteed that some day it will be gone otherwise.
  • 3
    that was how I found the company I work at, I made them switch to git within a week
  • 13
    This.. should be the theme of the next Conjuring.
  • 2
    My heart just skipped a beat.
  • 4
    Part of one my company does is hosting and we see this type of thing far too much. We even have a customer who edits the code in VS on their production server and pushes it live. They have a dedicated dev server she just refuses to use it.
  • 3
    @Geezus Have seen that. Have even worked like that. Am ashamed today...

    (welcome to devrant, btw. Nice to see a first comment!)
  • 3
    @obeq haha me too! About the time I started. My client and I had a Skype meeting where I was editing the site on the production server discussing the visuals of the site that the client liked or disliked.
    Not to forget the site was completely live and there was no coming soon page
  • 1
    @uziiuzair How I wished I had visited that site during that meeting.
  • 4
    @obeq ever been to a zoo? Well, a monkeys cage would've been nicer than the meeting.
  • 2
    This is how they did it in the company I started in. One developer used mcedit to code in live files. Made me cringe as that led to a lot of errors. Now we use separate environments and subversion.
  • 2
    @Michal78 Yeah she caused a recompile and took down her own site because it pegged out the VM and she thought she was under attack.....
  • 0
    CTO needs to be fired effective immediately
  • 0
    @kalibbala Surely the company doesn't have a CTO if they work this way?
  • 0
    @drRoss Nope, no CTO. Only 4 devs including me, and one of them works on stuff that doesn't involve me.
  • 0
    @AdamGaskins 4 devs... Why not sign up for Visual Studio Team Services for free?

  • 0
    Any updates here? Did you convince them to use git?
  • 0
    @linux-colonel I quit 😂
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