my dad message me 7 am, with spec on a raspberry he got and the question if python was similar to C (he programmed C, 20 years or so ago.)

my responde: "I will set up a git for you, and we can learn python together"
dad: "what is a git?"

p.s love my dad :D

  • 2
    Old school
  • 5
    Valid question what's a git?
    Did you mean to say:
    1. Install and configure git (so "Setup git" not "a git")
    2. A git repository
    3. A git service account like on github/gitlab/bitbucket
  • 1
    When master becomes the student :)
  • 0
    @busuu But the life your kid will have :)
  • 0
    @irene Still .. "dad as a programmer" applies.
  • 0
    thanks I am hyped aswell!! will be great
  • 1
    If he knows C, why did he even had Python in mind instead of wanting to code in C?
  • 1
    @Benedikt Honestly read about that python was the go to lang when it comes to rasperberry pi.

    futher is that the goal is to develop an application with a specific purpuse, where the documentation of the hardware is gear to python.

    Some aspect is to learn something new aswell :)
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