Stop camelCasing column names in databases! Underscore _ have been around for a while.

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    @Lahsen2016 Naming conventions actually suggest using underscores in table and column names. But i am still using camel case wherever and whenever i can...i just like it
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    I prefer underscore because when you use camelcase for things like acronyms or contain capitals it gets iffy... e.g clientIPAdress is stupid... clientIpAdress reads better but you lose the meaning behind I.P. = internet protocol
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    I consider each table as an entity, so each column is a property, and I dont use underscore to name class' properties in my system... so PascalCase is my choice.

    (c# guy)
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    PostgreSql is case sensitive. But if you don't quote names, they are internally converted to lower case (therefore the query doesn't run, e.g. SELECT t1.firstName is not the same as SELECT t1."firstName"). I write queries to investigate data.

    Feel my pain.
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    @simpleJack "client IPA dress" ... lol
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