

  • 3
    Sure, let's go. Whose car we gonna take ?
  • 2
    All aboard the CSS hate train!
  • 0
    @kobenz A bunch of people who love to live dangerously apparently
  • 1
    this css shit is so time consuming
  • 3
    What would you do, of CSS didn't exist?

    I'm pretty sure the alternatives of building this shit yourself is worse
  • 2
    Eh. CSS is fine. Could be better. Could be a hell of a lot worse.

    Fuck the standard box model, though. That is garbage beyond measure.
  • 0
    UI/UX guys are the most impractical guys on this planet
  • 0
    @ostream bro u just cant give solution on a "rant" page
  • 1
    @Root if they gave a couple more box sizing options it could be nice, but that might break everything
  • 1
    @chonky-quiche Two is all you need: one insane, one sane. And we could do without the first.
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