
So, my eyes have been bloodshot for a while now. It's been gradually getting worse. I've also had bags under my eyes for years.

Bit of info:
I'm soposed to wear glasses when I use my computer, or do anything up close for more than a few minutes because of some sort of focussing issue my eyes have. It's so that my eyes can stay at the same level of focus when I switch from short/long range.

Also, I don't spend all day on my computer and phone. So it's not like I'm constantly getting blinded by a screen. It's not unlike me to loose myself in thought, and pace around for hours on end. Some times in a day I will barely touch my Phone, and not even touch my PC.

That said, I'm going to do an experiment. I am going to cut out my Computer for three days, and reduce Phone usage to a minimal, and see if I can eradicate, or serverely reduce this redness. There could be something seriously wrong with my eyes, and I'd just be blaming screen fatigue. I've taken pictues of the current redness (which current blocks out half of the white of my eyes) and I'll use that as a reference.

Wish me luck!

  • 7
    I have the same issue. I still have dark eye circles, my eyes are always like am starting at the sun, I feel uncomfortable looking outside.
    Its just because I use my pc for really long hours at night, once this got alot worse and yes keeping away from screens help alot but Recently I have reduced focusing abilities on my left eye and hell its gradually increasing day by day and here stuck with loads of work and literally no time off!! Fml!
  • 4
    Good luck! For me. Personally this would be a: nope nope nope nope nope.
  • 3
    Is that one of those apps that make your todo lists into rpg quests?
  • 4
    This literally saved my eyes https://amazon.de/dp/B00E5ZY7PK/...
  • 1
    Are you using any red light filters on your devices? f.lux for Windows/Mac, redshift/fluxgui for Linux, Twilight for Android. Not sure about iOS though.
  • 1
    @trubesv did that to worked nice untill we found out my prescription changes everyday
  • 0
    @trubesv very very fucked up eyes to a new lvl of fucked up
  • 0

    Yes. LifeRPG.

    I love it~ level 5 already~
  • 0

    I have prescription glasses. I just don't ever wear them (opps..) and I always have my brightness on minimum. I even have an app installed (I think it's called "darker") that lets me lower the brightness below minimum at night.
  • 1

    No ship to United States.

    No money either. D: (lost my top Patron, only making $3/mo now.. 3:)
  • 0
    @Cyanite mhh that's a shitty situation. I didn't find a equal product for the US :/
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