My dad showed me one of his old notebooks from like 1980 or something and it was all handwritten FORTRAN stuff he used to do. Wow... We've come a long way.

  • 6
    i handwrite code when im bored
  • 2
    without you my friend...
  • 2
    @just-basic-user and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again...
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    @AlexDeLarge yeah the structure was pretty interesting. And just how they did things back then.... There was no VS or PyCharm... You wrote your code on paper to work out the logic, and then you types it into a terminal and hope you didn't make any typos.
  • 0
    lol I always like to picture how those codes are executed on a mechanical computer when I write Fortran, which makes a lot sense why those command line arguments have those cult like syntax, for example:


    this rewrites on top of a file that is achieved by opening a file indexed at 99, named blah, rewind the tape to the beginning, then start writing...

    Fortran is a dumb language for logical animals!
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