
Why is stack overflow so savage?!

  • 3
    They've already banned my account thrice in the last one year xD
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    I asked a question 5 minutes ago and it has 3 down votes, I thought it was well written and not a single comment asking for clarity or anything!
  • 6
    What I find surprising is that the site is meant for helping people. But it seems they only help people who know their shit. Questions that may benefit others even if it's a bout a bug fix is down voted and never answered unless if someone is feeling really generous.
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    so is a place to get help when you're stuck, so if you're asking questions like, how do I do this, you're going to get down voted.
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    @Cruiser I agree people should not ask questions like that. StackOverflow urges you to take a step ahead and try fixing it yourself before you ask the question.

    What they're trying to do is to make the topic a little more open. From how can I do this to" I've tried this, and apparently it did not work, so I tried this. Can you help guide me in this problem."

    I like this approach, but they're a little too strict on how they want their questions to be formatted.
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    @uziiuzair Now that's not a word you see evey day.
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    I try and avoid it, feels kind of toxic more than useful to me but i enjoy trying to figure things out myself.
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    @nblackburn which word are you referring to? Haha
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    @uziiuzair Thrice (an old english word)
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    @nblackburn oh really? I use it quite often hahaha
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    @uziiuzair Certainly not a bad thing
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    create a devrant version for stack overflow :D
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    @javierojeda half the answers would be snarky memes, would be hilarious, but perhaps not super useful...
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    It's actually not that hard to trick Stack Overflow. What they hate is not giving any code and not putting enough effort. So, when I have to ask some question like that, I just add whatever code from my project seems to be appropriate, doesn't matter if it works fine, and talk a bit about possible routes to solve my problem and finally politely ask what is the best one, if there is a better one and how to actually do it. Since I started doing that I have no more downvoted questions.
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    @trogus that's exactly the objective :) is not like devrant is a psychology room, you know? haha
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    Stack overflow is a Q&A site, it prides itself on having high quality questions and high quality answers.

    This is important, because if quality of the site is allowed to slip then the resource quickly becomes useless.

    For this reason questions are quickly voted down and closed if they don't meet certain quality requirements. For example, showing no attempts to research the issue. No MCVE. Obvious duplicate, etc.

    I find it amazing someone has been banned 3 times there. You must have been spectacularly awful!

    I am very curious about the one being down voted, if you don't know why, post the link here and I might be able to help.
  • 1
    @Knossos I wouldn't go right down to awful. Since I did have a spectacularly high reputation (meaning I had some great questions) but a couple of them were broad or off topic which caused them to ban me from asking questions temporarily :p
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