
Fuck react!

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    Leveling Up Your React Skills in 2023: Best Practices ...
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    Why make complex problems simple, if you can make simple problems complex. Why convey more accurately your ideas in a paragraph if you can just type out 3 pages of a mess.
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    If a form is complex for you in react, probably you don't know how to use react


    but sure, if you'd like to handle accessibility, validation, hints, warnings, and error messages on Custom Self Made Framework of Your Choice™, be my guest - your pain, not mine
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    Websites that re-download the entire page to send some data feel like a GUI calculator that exits with the answer as the status code.
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    @ostream I never said I was against client-side code. I use JS a lot. When I submit an invalid form, I don’t want the whole page to reload.

    But that doesn’t mean I support rendering _everything_ on the client, including static HTML.
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    😂 That is so funny… I got a similar one of ”And that is how you deploy a service to your local kubernetes cluster”
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    I used Formik before, it was kinda ok-ish but still pain in the ass.

    Now I use https://react-hook-form.com/ and will use it until something better comes along. Also works nice with yup validation - i think that's something that you can use in node/express, so you can share validation from backend with frontend.

    Some dude wrote article on hook forms and yup, it is pretty simple. Best DX for forms in react that I found up to date.


    Also a big PRO: no unnecessary re-rendering
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    Im so fucking done with these technology... 95% of time i need to make forms


    Thats it
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    @John-Does I would throw away those too. Matter of fact, I did in my company
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    @kiki what fo you use for little reactivity then?
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    @John-Does nothing. I update my UI manually with querySelectors and setting innerText/innerHTML.
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