
So I had this conversation with my boss yesterday...

Me: Hey, I found this bug in the other team's code that has a major impact on what we're trying to do. Can you ask them to look into it?

Boss: No, I don't want to be the one who has to tell them there's a major bug in their code. Find a workaround.

M: But... It isn't really a major bug, it just has a big impact on our side of things.

B: Workaround!

Fuck bosses who value how they think they look to other devs over a day of my time. Fuck.

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    Sorry, I don't want to tell them they're doing a bad job. If I do, it makes me have to work more.

    Isn't a boss meant to tell you what you're doing wrong? Why do you have to come up with the workaround? Something fishy is going on around here...
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    @coolq In their defence they mostly work with my team, and are just in communication with the other team, but still... Ah well I found a workaround in a few hrs but it'll take a day to fully implement.
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    @teganburns it was a client server desync in a certain situation where they needed to exchange a lot of new data. The workaround is to reduce the data needed at once by spreading out the communication steps.
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    While it does excuse your boss _slightly_ by only working in your team, it is still crappy. A good boss would work it out across all teams and collaborate with the other bosses to resolve the problem. Instead it sounds like they just wanted to be lazy and push the work into you.
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