
"the footer of the site is broken"

seriously, f..k wysiwyg-editors!
all they do is creating invalid bloated html and I'm supposed to clean up the mess behind the content managers...

  • 2
    Swap WYSIWYG for a markdown editor, much better parsing :)
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    @luciam91 yeah like if they would know html :D
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    I have TinyMCE in my Cms. I've stripped out all but basic formatting buttons, so they can't fuck it up. So now I get properly formatted output and no shite. Paste as text is on by default to strip out shit from wherever it came.
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    One of my first steps on WP is to disable WYSIWYG editor on important pages, add a plugin to fix WP basic shitty behavior of adding automatic p tags and heavily restrict WYSIWYG features to what I actually tested. So far, no broken footer!
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    just found this:

    <p><em><span style="bunchOfShit"><span style="moreShit"><br>

    ...and end of file. what's that supposed to be???
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    @kb88 they don't need to know html, you can get decent markdown editors which look WYSIWYG but without all of the shitty html (just strip out any actual tags)
  • 0
    ah ok thx!
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