Changed their dashboard layout !! Yes, let's move the top navbar to the left and change the whole layout. Oh yeah, and let's make the page less responsive than before.

I seriously don't understand why Stripe had to do this. Their dashboard layout was completely fine and useful but noooo lets change the navbar from the top to the left.

Because of these fucks, I now have to train my muscle memory to get used to this SHITTY ASS layout.

Fuck this. FUCK ALL OF THIS.

  • 2
    Welcome to tech!

    Companies take investor funding to startup and grow. Investors want a return on that money, so the company must always be in a growth phase, regardless if they're profitable and doing well or not.

    Investors push 90% of tech companies out of business with nonsense growth targets, and they grab CEOs who will fire anything at the wall to get there (including a new UI for no reason). Regardless if they would have survived as is.

    This works well for investors, because for every 9 companies they push into an early grave, 1 has a 25x return, more than making up for the other losses.
  • 0
    The solution is easy: Go to wayback machine and copy the old css & layout into a custom css/js loader extension. Should work as a hotfix for a while!
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