Some sites surely do this

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    ppl that still don't use a password manager are the real joke
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    @Nanos you can tripple-click to select the whole line. Do one assword-per-line and you're back on track
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    To me the worst part is that these sites are the ones I use the least. Some eshop I found a gift for this x-mas [will never use it again], some forum I needed an acc to add to someone's question about a speciffic problem, some tool I wanted to compare to my currently used one [to see if it has a very speciffic feature], etc.

    All the other websites are fine with a simpler password or a passphrase
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    @devRancid I prefer to manage my passwords on my own and not have a central failure point in somebody else's hands.
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    Of course it works, in nonretarded editors like notepad++
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    The worst about this is that i have to adjust my password generator settings for this bullshit. Second-worst are sites that silently limit the password length only on creation or login.
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