How many here just want off of this wild ride that life is, I sure do I .... I want so badly off right now

  • 4
    I wanted few times too, that's ok. World is quite big you know, just don't let one place bore you. Life is a game with infinite credits, you can always start again.

    Move to another city, vanish, change your look, start some non-tech course (cooking maybe?), have a laugh with a stranger (some barista or bartender maybe), try some extreme sport, listen to different music, even be someone else if you will. You are probably just bored of your current self. I was.

    I mean, for who have already given up, not giving a fuck should not be hard.

    Just don't throw the cake away when there are slices left.

    PS: True story. Mine. In my case, I moved city once, then country twice, and now I feel like I can't have a fixed point anymore. Lived in more than 20 houses. I want to see the whole world (just unfortunate that life is not long enough to experience it all).
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    @gosubinit Sure I wouldnt mind doing everything like that If I didnt had my bank and also my Tax Bureau breathing down my neck, with the later I can at least show them that Im in crippling debt the bank however, eh...
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    @legionfrontier C'mon, you can recover your bank situation selling your stuff, cutting costs and doing some extra freelance jobs. That's the easy one. Might take time, but you can.
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