
is react overhyped?

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    my honest reaction: 🫨
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    It's good if you are facebook or a likesize company. I'm convinced the only reason so many people want to use it is to bump their resume to get into such a company. Because it's honestly crap for most people.

    Actually heard people refuse to use something else "because it wouldn't help their resume". Like lmao. LMAO. Boy-o you better hope I'm not in charge of hiring I'm cutting all the React devs out with a hot knife from the selection process.
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    I don't use it for web, but I do use react native and it's a godsend.
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    A little bit.

    I never wanted to get into react because I'm a real benchmark-nazi and it's performance sucks ass. So i sticked with vue for a very long time.

    But I got into it more and more because job. And I gotta say, it's quite nice. The whole function thing of it all has a charm to me. The types are fucking weird sometimes but as they aren't native.. what to expect.

    It's overhyped, yes. But a fair share of its hype is justified.
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    @kobenz Apparently so, by Next.js fanboys.

    And then HTMX for server-side rendering comes in and says: "Hold my beer." One hype that we can seriously justify today, after years of inferiority to HATEAOS.
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    Not "HTMX for SSR", but "HTMX and SSR". Pardon, my mistake.
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