How could we, as developers, help make the world safer for both citizens and law enforcement?

  • 2
    Well after watching Person of Interest, I believe there should be an AI machine that takes data from "various resources" and learn to predict incidents.
  • 3
    @Treebasher I would love for this world to be perfectly safe, but imho that will never happen. There must be a line between security and privacy. And in that line is where criminals dwell. If we were to build a program like @mohammed mentioned, there would be criminals who would hack it. Using whatever privacy possible.
  • 0
    Have you heard of Usahidi?

    I'm not affiliated with them in any way but their story is pretty amazing and their software provides a pretty good solution for a lot of things. But it seems to me that it's hard for them to catch on with people, because you know... The Kardashians.

    So, IMHO, developers have done some of the work already, but they need the help of designers and marketing people to make those solutions a bit more attractive.
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