
Bought cup noodle to save time and hassle. Forgot to turn on the electric kettle. Pour the water into cup without checking temperature. In the end, have to cook with the pot anyway. What the **** am I doing?

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    @Alice have never tried one before 😶
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    I always do this. xD

    I like cool/slightly-warm food.
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    I've had uncooked noodles. They really are not bad. (I use to be much poorer than I am now xD) They're like the dry noobles you'd put in salid. Now, I didn't have water in them. o-o
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    @Cyanite @Alice yep yep yep. Cold water instant noodle is just yuck. If I were really saving my time, a.k.a when I'm laziest, I would just mix the raw noodle with spices and chew it.
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    @mrlinnth Agreed. Though, I would rather have it cooked, and cool, but not cold.

    @Alice Hooooo nononononono no! D;
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