
It's 2023 and smartphone vendors' pre-installed file managers are slooooooowly beginning to catch up with the functionality that the third-party ES File Explorer already had in 2012.

Samsung's latest file manager "My Files" finally has a draggable scroll bar, background file transfer (one can browse files while a transfer is running), drag-to-select (which is still not nearly as fast as the instant A-to-B range selection of ES File Explorer which simulates shift+click selection on desktop), and even staying in the current directory after tapping on "Copy" or "Move" rather than going to the starting directory!

And finally, when copying or moving files to a MicroSD card or a USB-OTG device, files' date and time attributes are not discarded and reset to now, but the original date and time of the files are retained! ES File Explorer could do that with root access.

Dear Samsung, couldn't you have thought of these simple things a decade ago and saved your users lots of headaches?

  • 7
    thing is: "people who want to copy files" aren't the market for smartphone vendors. they'd rather focus on "people who play candy crush and post on tiktok"
  • 3
    Wow, someone remembers ES file explorer from before it sold out and became crap.
  • 1
    @electrineer Indeed. Until around 2015, it was the top file manager. But then it became an adware nightmare. This is why software updates aren't always good. Updates can very well rip users off.

    Also, starting in 2014, Google crippled MicroSD storage access for third-party software with Android KitKat 4.4 .
  • 0
    Absolutely! This applies to things like Privacy Gaurd introduced by CyanogenMod and it took some time (though not a decade) for Google to make it mainstream
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