
This rant must be because of my oldness. I was never into Pokemon, but my oldest kid was.

So the hashtag for Pokemon Go makes little sense to me. It could just as easy be an insulting Poke Mongo (ie harazzing a Down's Syndrome person) as Pokemon Go.

There. Out of my system. Please carry on.

  • 0
    also not into pokemon.... Don't hate
  • 1
    Guess we're not the demographics....
  • 0
    i think the hype is mostly because of the interactive game concept, in which you walk through the real world. And do things in augmented reality. Your legs are the game controller. So isn't it a good thing that kids will walk more often now?
  • 3
    @heyheni I got nothing against neither Pokémon nor the new game. I just found the tag to be difficult to interpret correctly. 👴
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