I hate the US education system, its just designed to fuel capitalism. It keeps getting less funding so that actually passionate, intelligent people get kicked out and replaced with people who only want to be a teacher so they can have power over others.
Why do they block news websites? Why do they block github, so their own robotics team can't even access the essential building blocks for the robot? They make everything more complicated and for the reason that it might distract you. Maybe just make topics engaging and not boring asf, just cramming for the exams so the school gets more funding. Maybe prepare students for jobs, allow them to do projects, pursue classes that interest them, and have any sense of individualism.
Anyways, yeah, the school blocked github so I can't do my FBLA project, I can't access the code for programming our robot for competitions, I can't even download software required for half of these classes. I have a Linksys router, is there any way I could set it up to bypass the firewall?

  • 4
    Fueling capitalism is pretty much in every place. Not necessarily in US or education system for that matter

    Why block GitHub? Because students are lazy as fuck and copy code without realising what it does. Is blocking it the solution? No. They will circumvent it somehow. It is not like we are in 80s where Internet was mainly accessible in universities and research centers

    How you possessing a router would help you bypass the firewall? Also, this should be least of your worries for now. Use your mobile internet or a hotspot or go back Home (in case you are not residential) and do stuff there
  • 5
    Well it's not a funding problem, it was designed after the Prussian education system so it's meant to disempower individuals and propaganda as its function
  • 1
    @asgs I know it isn't just the US, I was just commenting on my experience. Blocking their own robotics team, that they allocate rooms and resources to, from accessing the root SDK that teams are required to run during the competition, isn't smart, is it? Also, again, maybe if students are just copying code, make it so that they actually have incentive to learn. Plus, school is meant to prepare you for the "real world". One of my mentors, a retired electrical engineer, said to me that although learning how things work is interesting, in "the real world," the extent to which tools are understood is understanding how to import the library.
  • 0
    @ostream I'm starting to think, between the school to prison pipeline, the censorship of LGBTQ educational books, the lack of individualized education, and Texas's pro-slavery textbooks, that the system is less and less for teaching. Sorry if I am passionate or argumentative about this, I recently got a C on an essay about this because I didn't see that the word limit was around 15% of what I had already written about this.
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    @jestdotty Yeah, true, I always forget that it didn't even start with good intentions either. I just wish there was a more accessible and legal way to make actual change than, like, joining revolt groups.
  • 3
    I stopped reading at “I hate the US” and instantly thought “ah, me too”
  • 0
    that doesn't seem so bad.

    I got called into the principals office saying I was watching porn when I was trying to access a game dev forum
    to see responses to my question lol
  • 0
    @iceb BHASHDHS im sorry that happened, that definitely seems like school administrators. and yeah its not that bad its just the issue I am running into right now, the whole system is fucked and little things like this aren't that important, its just frustrating.
  • 1
    @violet-isle I think what your mentor said is only half true.

    Importing the library is one thing. It is still important to understand how the library works.

    This I heard from both a programming perspective (ex boss) and an electrical engineering perspective (Professor)

    Although tbf it makes my life pretty miserable at work since I know everything and everyone else just goes "hey, deal with it"
  • 0
    @iceb I agree, and honestly think everyone should learn how the tools they use work, but this also isn't really possible by just blocking THE source of code. referencing and going into the documentation of code is how you learn, and working with it as well. blocking this, especially for a team they sponsor and they promote, is ridiculous. I cant even download the SDK to run the robot, much less learn how to use source control and branches and working on programming as a team. also, i feel like it is counterintuitive for the institution supposedly made to educate youth blocking sources of education and news about current events that affect them
  • 1
    @violet-isle yeah that's sucky. I don't know about the scary states like texas. Usually these rules only happen because someone does something and ruins it for everyone though.

    I feel like since you are specifically on robotics club. IT should have ways to grant exceptions.
  • 0
    @violet-isle that is different roles not talking. You can bet that the people setting up the robotics team are not the same that is blocking but they obviously do not communicate
  • 0
    How do you think it has to do with capitalism?
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