
I need to expand my CS related book collection, it's too small
I have lots of ebooks but I don't like reading them much ... real books are just better
Any must-reads I should add to it?

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    Clean Code - Robert C. Martin
    Its a must read for any programmer.
    Im currently reading Clean Architecture by the same author and its awesome too
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    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
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    Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et. al.
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    @Trablarer uhm I don't know swedish
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    @Trablarer I figured sth like that, it means beginner's course in German too and I speak German
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    @Trablarer how much do you need to buy to last for 4 months? 😀
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    @Trablarer what it doesn't sound German? 🤣 For me it doesn't sound Swedish
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    Haha vart pluggar du?
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    @ThatDude help they're speaking Swedish with me ...
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    @ThatDude Now the whole thing repeated in German, no just kidding, thank you for the translations :D
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    @FrankTheTank I study in Vienna, Austria
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    @irene actually I'm your neighbour (if I'd actually live in the country I come from)
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    @irene just look in my bio 🤦
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    @irene You are forgiven
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    Heh.. I own Grundkurs C++ too... without the ++ :D
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    One book that I read and really enjoyed (bringing it back to library kinda broke my heart :( ) was "How Linux works". It's great not only to understand Linux, but also how computers work in general.

    The second book I can recommend is "Learn you a Haskell for a great good". It's also available online for free.
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