
Why, why, why is the default choice for the iOS autocomplete "inn" and not "in".

doo instead of do
ave instead of and
umm instead of I'm
A thousand other stupid defaults instead of the more likely word
Ort instead of it

18 months of this. I'm going crazy. It makes even the most basic communication take 10x as long

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    UberEATS instead of I've

    I've lost track of how many times I've been embarrassed by this nonsense

    It has genuinely sucked all the joy out of posting to forums, which used to be relaxing.
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    wth, how?
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    @iceb I don't know but it's close to unusable. Typing it out by hand or using swipe, both are equally as awful.

    bothy instead of both.

    Its first choice when I wanted to type both was bothy. This happens constantly. It is agonizing.
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    because iOS is garbage?
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    > UberEATS instead of I've
    Lol maybe they want to start to put advertisements on keyboards
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    I tested your examples and I don’t get the wrong ones. All of them are what they should be.
    Maybe your keyboard is set to some other language? Like German, because of "Ort"?

    I don’t know what you do with your iOS device but whatever you do, it’s not representative.

    Before you ask: I’ve used dozens of different iOS devices over decades.
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    @Lensflare I have reset the keyboard 10 times over the time I've had it, no luck. I'm using it right out of the box.

    And yes, it is representative. All across the internet people complain. There are articles and countless forum posts. It's just people that complain are shouted down and "works on my machine"d

    Ummm instead of I'm
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    @cuddlyogre if all the people who don’t have a problem with it would write about it, they would drastically outnumber the ones wo complain. Of course you only read from people who have problems. That doesn’t mean that most of users have problems. It’s not representative.

    I don’t say there isn’t a problem. I just say that not everyone has it. In fact, most people don’t.
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    @Lensflare I don't know what to tell you. I have had nothing but headaches with this iphone and when I am required to use a Mac, I have a similar level of headaches. Every step of the way their products fight me and drag me into the direction Apple has determined is correct, not where I want to go.

    Using Apple products makes me feel like a 70 year old taking a computer class at the library. They are so counterintuitive and filled with what feels like hostile design choices.

    When I say I would rather do my work via bone marrow biopsies, I mean it. 18 months of this and it gets worse every update. No one has anything approaching a solution, because they either give up and use a phone meant for work or they buy into Apple's mental refactoring project and become brand evangelists, which is a state of mind that is truly alien to me.

    I just want to be able to send a work email without looking like a fool and to relax browsing my forums like I used to be able to do with my S8.
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    hiss instead of his
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    @Lensflare "works on my machine lol" does not help me.
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    @cuddlyogre is it some language setting
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    @cuddlyogre show me a screenshot of your "hiss"
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    @Lensflare I'm not going to send you screenshots of work emails, texts between me and my family, and web searches. I am tired enough of this nonsense already without being a court stenographer about it.

    Here's one though. Webb instead of web? Come on...
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    wait a minute. So you have one of those keyboard text replacement thing set?
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    @iceb Nope. Nothing but omw. I am using it as it came in the box.

    The best I can figure is as either the Apple evangelists are that drunk on the koolaid or I tripped some kind of algorithm designed to test or punish the user. Such a popular device cannot be this awful to use.
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    Just curious, on iPhones can't you install a third party keyboard like you can do on Android?
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    @cafecortado You can but as far as I can tell they are forced to use the same engine as the stock keyboard, just like with the browser. Meaning it's going to be little more than a skin with the awful usability of the stock iphone keyboard.

    djinn instead of skin

    Absolute garbage.
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    @iceb I actually wanted to see the keyboard: what the 3 suggested words are and what the text on the space key is, to see if it is set to English :)

    I don’t understand why it behaves so weirdly for you. Maybe we can figure it out.
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    @Lensflare are you an Apple engineer?
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    @fumey I‘m not sure what makes an Apple engineer. I‘m not an Apple employee but I develop stuff for Apple‘s platforms and I use Apple‘s tools for that.
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    @Lensflare nice 👍🏼
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