Anyone got advice with finding a job in a different country? I've always dreamed to work in a foreign country so if anyone got advice, please let me know.

I currently have 3y professional experience.

  • 4
    Pretty much the same way as locally these days. If you want to work remotely you might need to start a business and do B2B as many companies won't offer employment contracts abroad. And if you want to relocate look for companies that offer a relocation package. LinkedIn and glassdoor are your friends here
  • 1
    Get into that country first by studying or marrying someone
  • 1
    @electrineer right, as a spoiled EU brat i forgot about such problems. Anyway if the company offers relocation package it will likely include visa sponsorship
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    it would an other EU country. I'm from EU so visa should not be a problem
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    @Alexanderr I've always wanted to move to Scandinavia (from Belgium). Preferably Norway
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