So when code is badly written, more corner cases are unnecessarily introduced. And it’s sometimes tricky to find the corner cases and probably messy to fix the corner cases.
And so the code grows in size as a result. And when these fixes to the corner cases are not well done, they introduce more corner cases.
So what results is a large collection of corner cases. Only corner cases remain when this goes on for a while.
Because of this, every new feature can be effectively translated to a collection of corner cases to be implemented.
As corners grow, triangles become circles and tetrahedrons become spheres.

I live in such a sphere.

  • 4
    Domain driven design seems to solve this case. It takes a bit of time on conceptualizing the different modules.

    But then I look at the code they propose, it feels sooo overly complex
  • 2
    But a sphere has no corners at all. Or infinite number of corners. 🤔
  • 2
    "I live in such a sphere."

  • 1
    There's usually a direct correlation between the number of conditionals in a function and how shit it is to work with
  • 0
    What's a "corner case"?
  • 3
    @MammaNeedHummus it’s like an edge case but even more edgy or cornery in that case.

    It’s a case that only occurs in very rare conditions. Sometimes it’s used as an argument to not care about the problem because it’s not common enough.
  • 0
    @iceb domain driven stuff helps with modelling and dependency management when the problem space is large enough.

    A lot of times it's not and using DDD just makes shit horribly complex. Also like anything is you don't use a model effectively it's worse than it you would do something intuitively.
    One DDD codebase I work with is filled indirection (interfaces) to cross the layers. Horrible code navigation and abstractions for basically no reason at all.
  • 0
    @hjk101 ya. I think those abstractions are not necessary while the idea of ddd still works without it. It's unfortunate that they have been bundled together
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