
YouMod - Easy Moderation for your YouTube Channel!

We are building a website to allow big YouTubers to add other moderators who help you with your YouTube Channel.
Set Permissions, see what they are doing, and much more!

Project Type
Existing open source project

YouMod - Easy Moderation for your YouTube Channel!<br /> <br /> We are building a website to allow big YouTubers to add other moderators who help you with your YouTube Channel.<br /> Set Permissions, see what they are doing, and much more!

I got the idea when a big YouTuber asked for a way to have moderators on your channel who can permanently delete comments without giving them full access to the Channel. => https://twitter.com/Skayo_/status/1010875939071373313?s=17 The website works as follows: 1. The YouTuber registers on our website using YouTube's OAuth API 2. After that he gets redirect to the Dashboard where he can add other moderators, who are registered on the site. 3. They set permissions, like deleting comments, posting comments, etc 4. Now the moderator has access to the Channel Dashboard and can delete stuff from there. That's the basic idea. More features will be added later. Due to a connection with a big YouTuber, the site will probably get some attention instantly! So don't don't worry about the project getting abandoned, and your work being unused. At the moment we definitely need a back-end dev! A vServer is provided by my Teammate! Reasons to join this project: - Everybody will be able to decide about features and other stuff - Huge attention due to big YouTubers - Modern web technologies - Fun - Shitload of experience Please note that even tho I'm writing this collab in English, we actually prefer German speaking People only! Sorry! Feel free to ask questions!
Tech Stack
Vue, Bulma, Nuxt.js, PHP7
Current Team Size
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