
Write an actual 'how to code drunk' i think it would be fun.

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Write an actual 'how to code drunk' i think it would be fun.

I think come up with something. And some drinking games and drunk code challenges.
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  • 1
    you mean like an ebook with stories/games/whatever from different people?
  • 4
    Ya everyone should write a game /story on programming drunk how to do it how to have fun with it. Stories and games.
    error shot glass: everytime you compile and the error you where trying to fix is still broken take a drink.
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    Shotglass shuffle : take a shot after which you must shuffle all your variables in a class with famous sci fi and fantasy characters. If you compile and missed one take another shot.
  • 6
    Generate a Math.random(1) variable, if it's below 0.5 you drink.
  • 8
    I was under the impression that it was impossible to code sober...
  • 1
    this actually sounds fun, tell me if you start a repo, im in
  • 2
    take a shot for everytime you think longer than 5 seconds about how to name your project, class, variable etc. Timer resets after the shot, giving you another 5 seconds.
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    Imagining a load of drunkards (me included) staring at the probably not that great code saying:
    "I loves you I do, did you know that?"
    Or other somesuch
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    Ideas for chapters?
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    We should establish a rule set that applies always, like the international drinking rules (for example, always use the right ctrl key, otherwise drink).

    For chapters, I'd just collect PRs with stories / submissions first and refactor later.
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    Count me in, boss
  • 1
    Write in a language you don't use much
    Have a shot every time you try to use your favourite language sintax
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    "must use brainfuck or whitespace" 😬
  • 3
    Bonus Chapter: Reaching the Ballmer peak
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    Had to look ballmer peak up. The idea that enjoyment from alchol can improve performance in programing. But up to a point.
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    @HIGHphen @bash-apprentice @BindView @al-m @nikoto @dontPanic @evilmupp3t @sklopi should we do an experiment on the ballmer peak. Everyone take your bmi and weight and height start drinking and Programming and write down when it becomes error prone to hard to focus, or you forget what you doing. From that data we will create a cheat sheet for ballmer peak.
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    ill write some ballmer articles when i have free time, regularly code in assembly when drunk
  • 4
    @skprog that sounds fun af but while I'm quite a big guy, height and weight and all, I'm such a lightweight. My head fogs up after a shot... But hey. I'd love to drink heavily... For science and research
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    Ok so im currently three beers in. And im pretty sure im at that point. Im 270 pounds and am 6'2 i have cognitive function but have difficulty typing correctly.
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    Im obviously a light weight. Consumption rate was 3 in 45 mins
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    Is this dead already? My PR is just sitting there, gathering dust. 🙄
  • 1
    I've figured out how to contribute!!
    Been too focused on coding and tech I forgot I'm actually a writer lol. If you need me to edit/compile data into like... Idk "writing"? Let me know!

    Ofc I wanna help with the coding too!!
  • 0
    easy way to reach balmars peak: drink shots in front of a mirror when you think you look good start working.

    works cause of self esteem not because you're ugly
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