here i go again, trying to convert my entire backend infrastructure to docker images on a sunday



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    so far running into the classic 'works on curl locally but dockerized nginx can't see shit and fucks everything up'
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    docker is by far the largest peice of shit i've ever worked with
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    failed after 5 hours, reverting to my good ol linux services since i just can't anymore
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    trying to dick around fightight docker / nginx - 6 hours

    issuing systemctl restart StagingApi && systemctl restart ProdApi && systemctl restart nginx - 6 seconds
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    @fullstackcircus I had that, putting it all on a docker network solved this problem for me.
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    Docker isn't fun.

    I still hope that PodMan with rootless and systemd Integration works better...

    If I'm ever allowed to migrate.

    Doing networks in docker is .... Bleeeeeeeeeeeppp.

    Plus the usual issues with software like NGINX - not sure if the DNS discovery is in OpenSource yet, I think there was a time when It was only available in Pro.

    That stuff breaks many setups silently.

    You reboot service A behind NGINX and NGINX doesn't realize the IP change and keeps sending to the old IP adress.

    Workarounds exist, but this is stuff that makes Docker sometimes ... A very painful and confusing nightmare.
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    @possum i think it's something small like this... but as far as i can tell i explicitly have put them all the same docker network... though now i'm reading even if it's the same "name" in docker-compose files, because they are seperate docker-compose files, it doesn't necessarily mean the same network?!?!?! WTF
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    okay, just learning docker-compose is officially deprecated, docker compose is th way to go....
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    also, actually naming networks so they are sharable across docker-compose files wasn't even possible until docker compose version 3.5....
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    @fullstackcircus yes exactly, make a network block in the compose files and add a network with the same name in all of them, that‘s how they match; also the level of compose should be 3.5 or higher to allow names for networks https://docs.docker.com/compose/...

    Edit: you wrote the correct answer already while I was going through my notes on this
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    okay, got at least the root endpoint up. but any that need the database won't work, because postgres is still a local instance... i guess i'll tackle postgres migrations tomorrow 🥱
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