Pride is without a doubt the biggest problems among the development world.

  • 1
    Exactly. People need to stop being fucking gay. Dev world has no room for pride parades and assfucking homosexuals 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈♿️♿️♿️♿️♿️
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    Nah I'd say shit management
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    @b2plane oh come out of the closet already you little ass-obssessed twink
  • 2
    @jestdotty sins are an illusion
  • 2
    @jestdotty karma is confirmation bias
  • 4
    "I am a developer, therefore my opinions and my intellect is far above that of the regular human" <--- common developer mindset. So I would say yes, pride is the most common trait amongst developers. Acting like an autistic child that thinks that their opinion is the best thing and only format for mortals is the end all be all of things is quite common. Which is why I usually disassociate from developers. Sheldon Cooper from BBT was made after a dev friend of the producer/director/whatever, is all I need to know. Insufferable bastards that think they are God's gift to mankind. No thanks, most of these fuckers build web apps, even if it was compiler shit, with good enough training a lot of devs could do it.

    Fuck the dev community, see stack overflow.
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    @jestdotty However, peoples reactions to good and bad things - that other people do - vary quite a bit from different subcultures, situations, and even time of day. The idea of Karma refers to more of a universal ruling that influences your destiny. I guess one could argue that the chaotic force of mankind’s morality enforces karma, but I believe it is too chaotic to be called such. For example, a person put to death for a crime they didn’t commit, yet everyone thinks they are still guilty.

    For your example of an evil act, people will avoid them yes, but that is only subjected to the morality base that the culture upholds. In another culture, it could be very different. That’s why I feel this analogy cannot be related to the idea of Karma. I feel like the idea of Karma to modern society is moreso a bias towards a self (or culturally) fulfilling prophecy of morality, rule, and law that they create…
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    @jestdotty but again it’s always an inherently flawed system so 🤷‍♂️
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