
Another con for working at the office instead of remotely: I WANT TO FART AND SHIT SO MUCH BUT CANT CZ OF MY COWORKERS. WHY WORK IN OFFICE BRUH I WANT FROM HOME

  • 9
    you should see a doctor about your digestrive tract. and a shrink about your fecal obsession.
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    @tosensei My Feces have nothing to do with doctors, im fine and my shits fine too, i just shit too much, also my obsession with my Feces is rendered null, as i have nun of it. I think its cz i eat too much and then when i eat nothing for several hours my stomach isnt used to not eating so it growls. I spoiled my belly to be very hungry wanted
  • 2
    @b2plane shitting too much takes your shit out of the realm of fine and into the realm of go see a fucking doctor.
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    And you said I was methodically wrong for assuming some other post about shit was you...
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