
It's sad. When developers create the application and ONLY know how to lunch it by clicking that green button in the IDE, having no clue how to package and launch it properly...

it makes me sad.

Now I'm supposed to dockerize an application no one knows how to launch outside the IDE.

  • 1
    Maybe take the time and put some effort into teaching them?
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    @SidTheITGuy I won't get anything done if I'll be teaching developers how to do their job every time I see it needed
  • 9
    @aviophille what do you use? fucking notepad?
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    Almost nobody knows how applications are started, everyone just asks their toolchain to build for Windows/Linux/MacOS/Android and the magic folder plops out at the end, then you find a place for it, tell the operating system where you left it, and the program magically starts.

    Very few people are aware that their programs try to find and load the contents of glibc at runtime until the first time it bites them in the ass, possibly through Docker and its obsession with the extremely divergent Alpine Linux.
  • 5
    Maybe, just maybee.......
  • 2
    What I find additionally funny about this is that in every IDE I'd ever used there's a "build" button right next to the "build & run" button.
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    @magicMirror I've seen that

    Holy shit it was bad
  • 1
    @jestdotty Srsly!? its joke!
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    At uni I did my java servlet crap with VIM. Best choice ever (for educational purposes).
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    @lorentz I am sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding the funny part in this

    build - to test if your most recent code changes compile

    build&run - spin up the most recent code changes
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    @netikras If you have a competent team, you know your tools and everything's rosy, then yes. If just making it work is an achievement, both buttons create a program that works and you can probably get away with shipping that for a while before the debug symbols get in the way.
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    @dmonkey Java was designed to be used with autocomplete and scaffolding, that sounds like a major CTS hazard
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    Read the IDE configuration 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    @lorentz It was a simple class meant to teach Servlets from scratch + Http
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